The Oath to Restore the Earth is the premier ethical standard for the carbon management industry. Professionals in the industry are invited to sign.
As a carbon management leader, I solemnly promise to help restore the Earth to the best of my ability. I will do this by advancing solutions that can reverse the impacts of climate change.
I will think holistically, being cognizant of the implications that my work can have for the biosphere as a whole. This includes factoring in how the choices I make today will benefit the generations ahead of me and communities throughout the world. I will engage in climate restoration with integrity, humility, honesty, and compassion.
I uphold that the responsible growth of the carbon management industry can create benefits for communities. Responsible growth is strengthened by including voices from all backgrounds in conversations about restoring the planet.
I support the growth of the carbon management industry to be guided by science, facts, transparency, and independently verified data. I recognize that advancing multiple forms of carbon management solutions at the same time can accelerate climate action.
I believe in the crucial role that carbon management has in restoring the climate, but also recognize that carbon management alone cannot solve climate change. I support efforts to reduce climate pollution, along with initiatives to protect communities from the impacts of climate change.
I will recognize the limits of my knowledge and seek to maintain and increase my understanding and skills throughout my professional life. I will acknowledge and try to remedy my own mistakes.
I affirm that we are all in this climate change challenge together and will collaborate with peers to help expedite carbon management solutions.
I act out of compassion for the planet and people, not out of fear or anger. I make this declaration solemnly, freely, and upon my honor.
Signature: ___________________________________
Print Name: __________________________________
Company: ___________________________________
Date: _______________________________________