Demand-Side Support for Scaling CDR Policy Primer

The Carbon Business Council has published the Demand-Side Support for Scaling Carbon Dioxide Removal Policy Primer. This publication was developed by a working group of experts convened by the association. As the publication notes, a particular priority at the CDR market’s current early stage is to advance policy that provides demand support for the full portfolio of CDR solutions we will need to meet our climate goals. The policy primer highlights reasons for implementing demand-support policy for CDR; identifies demand-support policy opportunities; and offers a set of best practices for policymakers and advocates to advance the portfolio of demand-support policies for CDR.

Thank you to our members for their input and time in making this brief happen, along with a variety of stakeholders who provided invaluable feedback. Toby Bryce served as lead author. Ben Rubin and Isabella Corpora of the Carbon Business Council are co-authors. Working group members include: Alex Gagnon, Banyu Carbon; Andrew Denu, Andes; Christian Theuer, Heirloom; Greg Humphries, Vycarb; Hannah Horowitz, Lithos Carbon; Lauren Breynaert, Myno Carbon; Radhika Moolgavkar, Nori; Sean Lowrie, Arca; Simon Manley, UNDO; Spencer Anderson, Noya; Varsha Ramesh Walsh, Offstream; Christiaan Gevers Deynoot, South Pole; Jeff Norton, VGrid Energy; Sebastian Manhart, Carbonfuture; Tim Preisenhammer, Eion; Shaw Newman, Mast Reforestation; Mariano Ruiz, Drax; Mira Nagarajan, Origen; Racheal Notto, Kita; Tara Bojdak, Captura.

Working group Observers include: Sahaj Kumar, Counteract; Wendy Lu Maxwell-Barton, International Biochar Initiative.

Thanks as well to our external reviewers.

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